Our thinking

Fix iTunes 10 vertical window buttons

As if iTunes doesn't go off the rails enough with the rest of it's window controls, it now makes the Close/Maximise/Minimise buttons (AKA the traffic light buttons) sit in a vertical line at the left of the window. Fortunately a...
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How to fix the Growl installer for an InstaDMG Workflow

Growl's installer helpfully includes a postflight script that opens up the System Preferences app so that you can configure the Growl options. This is generally what you want most of the time, but not all the time. If you're installing...
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Adobe Creative Suite Updates

Adobe now have a blog (with atom and rss feeds) where you can quickly and easily see what the latest updates for Creative Suite 5 are. In addition to this feed, they've announced that the updates are going to be...
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Funky Fresh Fonts

I've been using Myriad as the Automatica corporate font but until now there was no easy way to reflect the design of the printed page on the internet. TypeKit have just added Myriad (and a whole heap of other fonts...
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Kerio Control on an appliance

I'm still testing this and aren't at a fully working solution just yet, but it's looking promising so far. I'm wanting to try out Kerio Control but don't want to dedicate the power, cost and space of a whole PC...
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Safari 5.0.1 Released

Apple have released Safari 5.0.1 today which, among other things, fixes a bug in WebKit that makes the body of a Mail message have a black background when there's an attachment inserted automatically - for example if you send an...
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