Our thinking

Where have you been?

It seems that for some unknown reason, your iPhone keeps a record of every cell tower that it's ever talked to, and this data is marked with the current time (accurate to the second) and the latitude and longitude of...
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Skynet meets the Swarm

This is quite an interesting article about Artificial Intelligence researchers creating an AI (the Overmind) to play a realtime strategy game, StarCraft. They go into a fair bit of detail about some of the challenges they faced and some strategies that...
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This is absolutely incredible. Check out this JavaScript simulation of an old-school MOS 6502 processor - the heart of the Commodore 64, among other computers. These guys got a 6502 chip, decapped it with acid and took high resolution pictures of...
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F.lux: software to make your life better

That's a pretty sweeping claim, I don't know that I'd go that far, but this is an interesting piece of software nevertheless... F.lux: software to make your life better. What it does (and, yes, it will play havoc with any...
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Using a 27-inch iMac as an external display

If you want a glorious desktop with two large monitors, it may make sense for you to use two 27" iMacs, with one configured in Target Display Mode. With Target Display mode, you can use your 27-inch iMac with Mac...
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User Interface Hall of Shame

Here's the first entry in my very own User Interface HALL OF SHAME. (Yes, it's in all caps, as it's in a deep, booming voice with plenty of reverb.) This is one that has bugged me for years, and when...
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Fast Wireless Data

This is simply incredible A 13-inch-long tube, called a Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier, is making it possible for scientists to receive massive amounts of images and data from the orbiter at an unusually fast rate. It is the first high...
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