Our thinking

The Sony PlayStation turns 25

The original PlayStation has turned 25. I spent many an hour with one of these units flying anti-gravity racers in wipEout, driving fancy sports cars in Gran Turismo and being a hyperactive bandicoot in Crash Bandicoot. Here's a trip down...
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macOS Catalina Supplemental Update

Apple have just pushed out an update to Catalina - the macOS Catalina Supplemental Update. The description is pretty vague; "The macOS Catalina Supplemental Update includes installation and reliability improvements, and is recommended for all users." The update is nearly...
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macOS Catalina File System Layout

Wow, Catalina really mixes things up with regard to the file system layout. It also introduces something called firm links, which are not symlinks nor hard links, but something akin to a union mount of two folders. This is used,...
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macOS 10.15 Catalina Released

Apple have released macOS 10.15 Catalina overnight - this is a big update that is going to break a lot of old software, so please be very careful when installing this on a production system. This update is a decent...
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Configure the macOS Automounter system

macOS continues to maintain a fully-functional and highly reliable Unix automount system. This system allows us to keep network shared folders mounted on a Mac, and make sure that if the connection drops out, then it gets automatically re-established again...
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