As we head into 2025, we are in the process of rolling out a new corporate ID for Automatica with the aim to freshen and simplify our visual imagery.
We’re keeping the same orange and grey colours, and keeping a gear icon in the logo, but changing the logotype with the introduction of a new retro-inspired script font from Eko Bimantara called Sandler. This font brings softness, warmth and humanity which is often missing when interacting with technology and is a cornerstone of the approach we bring for our clients.

There are alternative versions of the logotype for use on different backgrounds, or for use at smaller sizes, as well as a version with our tagline; “Specialist technical support for creative professionals”

The gear icon has been completely reworked, greatly simplifying the overall appearance and delivering a bold geometric shape that contrasts with the script font and can be used at all sizes from a tiny favicon in the address bar of your web browser, all the way through to larger sizes for web and print.

We have updated the materials used for client communications – including our email signature and the Microsoft Word templates used for Xero and will be working on a new theme for this website over the next couple of weeks.