iTunes 11 arrived overnight, hitting Apple’s promised November ’12 deadline (in the USA at least) and they’ve finally fixed one of the long-standing interface annoyances of all time. Yes, the green button to maximise a window actually does what every other OS X application does, instead of shrinking the window down to the mini view…
The main view showing album covers is good. I’m a visual person and I like to listen to albums, rather than individual songs. When selecting albums, I really like the drop-down view that shows the album cover and selects a nicely coloured background for the tracklisting that is based on the border colours of the album cover.
Although having said that, they still break some other user interface behaviours. Scrolling through the albums shows that while the scroll bar appears and disappears as scrollbars on Mountain Lion tend to do, when you mouse over it, it doesn’t grow wider like the standard system scrollbars do…