Our thinking

Adobe Snow Leopard FAQ

The sky isn't falling - Adobe clarify their position on the Creative Suite apps and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Essentially Adobe aren't going to divert development resources away from CS5 to fix any bugs in CS3 that appear...
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Fast Wireless Data

This is simply incredible A 13-inch-long tube, called a Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier, is making it possible for scientists to receive massive amounts of images and data from the orbiter at an unusually fast rate. It is the first high...
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Weird iCal Server Issue

I had an issue today where a client's iCal Server logs would show lots of: "Unable to find any record with GUID..." events, constantly. iCal was slowing down for everyone, server-based calendars either took ages to update with changes, or...
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Outlook for Mac OS X

Over on the Office for Mac Team Blog is a rather exiting announcement that Outlook is to make it's long awaited return to Mac OS X. Back in the day, there was OS 9, we had Office 2001 and there...
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Managing UI Complexity

A really good article for anyone interested in User Interface design on managing complexity. There are some great points raised that it's not overall complexity that needs to be addressed as such, but rather perceived complexity. Perceived complexity can be...
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Final Cut Pro glitches when importing AVCHD footage

I encountered an issue recently where Final Cut Pro will jitter and glitch out every half a second or so when importing AVCHD footage from a Sony HD camcorder. I eventually tracked down the error thanks to some google searching...
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Mac OS X Upgrades

Spotted around the interwebs recently is a Windows 7 Upgrade Chart that details which versions of Windows can be upgraded to Windows 7 by upgrading in place, and which versions need a clean install, or in Microsoft speak, a Custom...
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The mysterious case of the missing Ethernet port

I encountered a really strange issue with a Mac mini functioning as a small workgroup file server. The mini had dropped off the network and no-one could access it's share points. I had the end user reboot it to see...
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